
Briefness first and foremost – November 16, 2018 IPN digest


Prime Minister Pavel Filip does not think that Moldova is a captured state. “I talk to the people and do not feel that the people or the state institutions are captured,” he stated. The Premier admitted that the power is concentrated in the Republic of Moldova and that there are rather big problems in the justice sector.

The Prime Minister also said the mayor of Orhei Ilan Shor should stay in jail and he has confidence in the courts of law and in prosecutors.

After discussing the issue concerning the “Otwarty Dialog” Foundation behind closed doors, Parliament ascertained that the organization is financed with profits coming from transactions with Russian military enterprises against which international sanctions were imposed and money earned from the delivery of armament to the states involved in regional conflicts and from offshore areas.

The commission recommended the Prosecutor General’s Office to examine the findings of the report and clarify and classify the involvement by FOD, affiliated persons and others in activities against Moldova’s national security.

In his speech, Liberal MP Ion Apostol said the financing of other parties, of the campaign of President Igor Dodon and the party he headed and of Ilan Shor’s party should also be discussed. The report was discussed in a hurry in connection with the European Parliament’s Resolution of November 14 as the government decided to adopt a position on the EP’s criticism. The report is also designed to distract attention from the main issue - the banking fraud.

Liberal-Democratic MP Iurie Țap said that even if the allegations from the report are not confirmed, the opposition is denigrated before the elections.

Communist MP Oleg Reidman noted the goal was to solve the tensions with the EU by this report, but the own mistakes cannot be masked. The commission of inquiry didn’t realize the goals of Parliament, the law and the Constitution in general.

Democratic MP Sergiu Sârbu said the report revealed awful things planned against Moldova, including unprecedented attacks on sovereignty arranged abroad.

And everything is due to the fact that the PAS leader Maia Sandu took part in a conference at the invitation of a number of respectable members of the European Parliament and this foundation with which the EP cooperated covered the travel and accommodation expenses, the administration of the PAS said. “It is as if we investigate if Maia Sandu with Angela Merkel decided to bring 30,000 Syrians to Cahul or to distribute by 1,000 Syrians in each district. Let’s not take part in this process of fabricating aberrations...”

Zinaida Grecheanyi announced that the party on November 18 will stage a national protest where the basis for the PSRM’s future electoral platform will be laid, while the IPN experts noted that the combination of the protest with the formulation of a positive agenda that will be an alternative to the current government’s agenda is a difficult task for the PSRM. It is very good that the PSRM intends to consult the own supporters, but it would be right to inform the supporters how the party’s views about the realities and perspectives of the Republic of Moldova have changed. On the one hand, the PSRM’s platform and commitments for the elections of February 24, 2019 should be in strict compliance with the party’s political program. The given program was adopted at the party’s 12th extraordinary congress held before the parliamentary elections of November 30, 2014. On the other hand, it is interesting to known how the PSRM intends to combine the provisions of the program adopted before the elections of November 30, 2014 with the objectives set for the elections of February 24, 2019. At the elections of November 30, 2014, the PSRM, based on its political program, set the goal of annulling the Association Agreement with the EU and joining the Customs Union. In the elections of February 24, 2019, based on the same political program, the president of the PSRM aims to win the elections in order to “form a Government that would  know to have good relations with all the states, including the EU with which a Free Trade Agreement was signed... That’s why the good relations with the Russian Federation and the European Union and with all the other states mean a lot and would ensure this success”.

It’s good to know how they dribble in elections. Iurie Ciocan, a member of the Central Election Commission, said the person who runs independently in a single-member constituency is not obliged to inform any institution that they are members of a particular party. This way, the candidates who will enter Parliament and will announce that they are members of a political organization will face no problem.

Amnesty International Moldova, in a protest mounted in front of the Government Building,  called on the Government of the Republic of Moldova to adopt a national plan of action for improving the social security services. The activists demanded to increase the child benefit, the allowances and pensions provided to elderly people and persons with disabilities and the quality of social care, in accordance with the European standards.

The “Good Roads” Program has nothing in common with the economic development strategies. On the contrary, it seriously affects the economic development because the withdrawal of money from the Road Fund will leave Moldova without transit roads, but it will have small roads without an economic value in each village instead. The program also represents electoral alms, programs manager of the WatchDog.md Community Valeriu Pașa stated in a public debate organized by Expert Forum, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Rule of Law Program South East Europe.

In the same debate, Ion Meleșteanu, expert of the Think Tank “Expert-Grup”, presented a study of political clientelism or the use of public resources for recompensing political support and for obtaining particular advantages is a widespread phenomenon in Moldova.

If we welcome the 1-0 win of the national team of Moldova against San Marino in the last but one match of the UEFA Nations League, we should also take into account the fact that the third edition of the Italian Cuisine Week will take place in Moldova during November 19 – 25. The event is organized by the Embassy of Italy in Chisinau in cooperation with a number of partners.

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