
Briefness first and foremost – December 27, 2018 IPN digest


The Moldova – Georgia – Ukraine Interparliamentary Assembly condemns Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine in the Kerch Strait by a common resolution. The resolution also calls upon Russia to stop the aggressive and provocative acts on the occupied and annexed territories in accordance with the international commitments and to unconditionally withdraw its troops and munitions and stop destabilizing the internal situation in the neighboring states. The three states call on the EU and the U.S. to extend the political support provided to the democratic states in Eastern Europe.

Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Cristina Lesnic said in 2019 the strategy that will be used by Moldova in the Transnistrian conflict settlement talks in the 5+2 format will include the concomitant addressing of the problems from all the three ‘baskets’ that were agreed by the members of the format. The so-called baskets include such problem as: socioeconomic, with such important directions as the people’s free movement, customs procedures, problems of the banking, health and education sectors being set; general law, humanitarian and human rights; extensive political settlement, including institutional, political and security issues.

Veaceslav Negruță, expert of Transparency International Moldova, said that if we consider the growth and investment potential, the years 2017 and 2018 were failed years. Serious investments, especially from outside, are still being waited for and this is mainly due to the lack of coherence in the economic and financial policies, the expert stated in the talk show “Expertise hour” on Jurnal TV channel. Expert of the WhatchDog.md community Sergiu Tofilat said the last three years in Moldova’s development can be described as stability in the government’s incoherent policies, in the irrational use of public funds, in decisions that are not based on economic logic and this affects rather seriously the situation as the citizens of Moldova do not wait, but leave.

The Government of Romania transferred a new tranche of €3 million to Moldova for renovating and modernizing preschool education institutions. So far, there were renovated and modernized 845 kindergartens.

In an article for IPN, with top-10 events that marked the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia in 2018, analyst Veaceslav Craciun refers inclusively to the completion of the European program SARD that influenced a lot the economic development of the southern region. Owing to the SARD, more than 60 young businessmen managed to transform their ideas into prosperous businesses. The local authorities learned to cooperate in the transportation of waste. A number of 41 social infrastructure facilities were renovated in Gagauzia and Taraclia district. There is no village or town in Gagauz-Yeri where at least one project wasn’t implemented under the SARD program. The Governor of Gagauzia Irina Vlah said the cooperation with SARD was very successful and noted that the interaction with the Europeans donors will continue, stated the expert.

The IPN campaign “Created in Moldova”, about people who distinguished themselves in 2018 through different accomplishments, creations, technologies or actions, presents the protest movement Occupy Guguță that appeared in the summer of 2018. “The case of Guguță Café is not specific, singular or unique. We witnessed several hundred cases of privatization of public heritage facilities,” said one of the founders, Vitalie Sprînceană. Occupy Guguță does not consider correct the logic to justify all the actions related to the sale of heritage facilities through the angle of the profit these bring. “We understood that there is a kind of predictability of protests. The power understands that the goal of protests is to bring the people together so that they could shout angrily and that’s all. We do not want to follow this logic. We want to bite the power from where it hurts,” noted the activist.

Andrian Candu, who is the vice president of the PDM, said he cannot imagine a coalition with the Party of Socialists after the elections. “That’s why I said that those from ACUM or the other parties, or the other MPs, I would say pro-Western, who will enter Parliament are closer to us. But we will have discussions after the elections,” he noted. As to the fact that Democratic MP Marian Lupu was not put on the list and there are rumors that a post is being prepared for him, the Speaker said he does not know about any post.

The Liberal Party decided to contact all the leaders of organizations and movements that promote Moldova’s union with Romania so as to compile a National Unionists List. “The PL’s political bureau decided in favor of consolidating the unionist voters around the Liberal Party so that the party in the future Parliament is represented by the most dignified representatives of the nation,” PL member Iurie Kirinchuk wrote on a social networking site.

As of January 1, 2019, the platform www.legis.md will be the only source of updated information about the legislation – the State Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Moldova. The information system lex.justice.md will continue to be available, but will not contain the latest legislative amendments, the Ministry of Justice said.

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