Zinaida Grecheanyi: To be on friendly terms with the West and the East, Moldova should be managed by pragmatic people

For the Republic of Moldova to have good relations both with the West and with the East, the country’s administration should include pragmatic and professional politicians who are for the country’s statehood, the president of the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Zinaida Grecheanyi was quoted by IPN as saying in the talk show “Key issue” on NTV channel.

Zinaida Grecheanyi stated that Moldova is between two large economic blocs – the European Union and the Eurasian Union and should benefit from this advantage. “Being between these two economic blocs, it would be regrettable not to be on friendly terms with everyone. Why should we always be friends with someone against others owing to loans and grants?” asked the politician.

According to her, Moldova should know to defend its market and should make sure that it is convenient for the big players to work in Moldova. Investors from both of the blocs could found enterprises on the country’s territory and produce different goods that could be exported everywhere in the world.

As to the PSRM’s participation in the parliament tray elections, Zinaida Grecheanyi said 30% of the candidates on the party’s list represent ethnic minorities, while 22 candidates or 40% of all the candidates are women.

The Socialist leader said the ethnic minorities represent one third of Moldova’s population and the party therefore decided members of ethnic groups should be among its candidates.

At the same time, Zinaida Grecheanyi said the PSRM’s list for the upcoming parliamentary elections is not final and could be yet modified. It depends on the work done by each member apart. The candidates in single-member constitutes were chosen at primaries within the party.

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