WWII veterans will receive aid money on Victory Day

World War II veterans will receive material aid valued at a total of 8.4 million lei from the National Fund for Population Support on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the Victory over Fascism. The Chisinau City Hall also pledged to offer aid to veterans by May 9. According to the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child, veterans and invalids will each receive 600 lei in aid. The spouses of those who died in combat will get sums of 500 lei. Charity meals will be organized and containers with food and other basic needs will be distributed thanks to the support of private businesses, farms and social canteens. Under a municipal ordinance, war veterans living in Chisinau will receive 600 lei each, while war widows/widowers 500 lei. In addition, district offices will arrange charity meals for the veterans. Today, the City Hall building hosts meetings of the municipal authorities with the veterans from both Romanian and Soviet armies. Relevant municipal agencies together with district offices and suburban mayors have beautified the monuments and graveyards of the soldiers who died during World War II.

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