World Water Day: water is a resource that must be protected

Water means life, development, and health -  a resource that must be protected and managed responsibly. This is the message conveyed by the authorities on World Water Day, observed on March 22, IPN reports.

"Today, on World Water Day, I want us to remember that water is an essential resource, vital for life. Without water, we cannot talk about development, agriculture, economy, or a cleaner and healthier environment," said Gheorghe Hajder, State Secretary at the Ministry of Environment.

In the Republic of Moldova, water-related challenges include drought, river pollution, and the irrational use of water.

"To protect rivers, lakes, and springs, we must reduce water waste, plant as many trees as possible, protect forests, and support initiatives aimed at environmental protection," Gheorghe Hajder added.

World Water Day was established during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, held in December 1992.

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