Woman from Ștefan Vodă succumbs to COVID-19

The novel coronavirus claimed one more life in Moldova. This is a 63-year-old woman from Ștefan Vodă district. The death toll from COVID-19 now stands at 36, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection said the woman was admitted to the National Clinical Hospital in a serious state on April 3. She suffered also from chronic diseases.

A state of emergency is in force in Moldova until May 15. The number of infections with the novel coronavirus confirmed in Moldova totals 1,712. The virus so far killed 36 persons, three of whom were doctors.

The health authorities call on the population to avoid public places and to keep the social distance of at least one meter. Those who returned from countries with an increased risk of infection or who contacted with an infected person should self-isolate at home for 14 days, including from the family members, and to call the family doctor. On the first symptoms, such as cough, fever and runny nose, one should call the emergency service 112.

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