Weather grows colder, sleet forecast for March 8

The temperatures have plummeted. The State Hydrometeorological Service for March 8 forecast sleet, primarily in northern Moldova. Frost is expected at night, IPN reports.

Alexandr Putină, senior engineer at the State Hydrometeorological Service, said the weather is influenced by an anticyclone that comes from the Scandinavian countries. But the low temperatures are within the norm for the start of March.

Between March 6 and 11, daytime temperatures will oscillate between +1 and +8 degrees Celsius, while nighttime ones will vary between 0…-5 degrees Celsius. The wind will bow moderately.

The coldest day of March 6 on record in Moldova was in 1969, when there were -15 degrees Celsius in Chisinau. The warmest day of March 6 was recorded in Chisinau in 1962 - +22 degrees Celsius

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