Vladimir Voronin: Government didn’t become a cohesive administration mechanism

The Prime Minister hasn’t yet managed to bring the Cabinet under control owing to older problems, related to the direct subordination of the ministers to party leaders, while the Government hasn’t yet become a cohesive administration mechanism, the leader of the Party of Communists Vladimir Voronin said the day when Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici presented a progress report covering the first 100 days of work, IPN reports.

The Communist leader said the ruling alliance does not have a common view on the economic development. “The state debt rose to one budget and a half.  1 billion lei goes to pay the state debt annually. The difference between the money that is lent and the money that goes to settle the debt is 65 million lei. We pay more than we lend. It is a financial pyramid at state level. Based on it, the government planned the theft of money from the banking system,” stated Vladimir Voronin.

The politician noted that the responsibility is borne by the Government, firs of all by the Ministry of Finance, which was to manage the shareholding owned by the state in Banca de Economii. “Regretfully, the current Prime Minister and the current minister of finance started to sing in unison together with the choir of ‘thieves and beggars’, suggesting liquidating Banca de Economii. The parliamentary groups that formed the minority coalition, with the support of Dodon’s Socialists and Ghimpu’s Liberals and with demagogical slogans, help liquate this financial institution,” said Vladimir Voronin.

He added that Banca de Economii can and should be saved and its saving is not more expensive than its liquidation and the costs can be recouped. The Party of Communists will insist on this, while the thieves and culprit functionaries will be held accountable.

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