Vlad Filat wants a platform of parties to participate in parliamentary elections

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vlad Filat, is asking President Maia Sandu to set up a national platform, which would include representatives of all parties that intend to participate in the parliamentary elections. The former premier says it is the head of state's duty to help ensure this time that the elections are truly free, democratic, with equal chances for all, IPN reports.

“This platform would examine the situation that currently exists in the Republic of Moldova in the context of preparations for the next parliamentary elections, organized within the legal deadline. In this platform, the participants will come up with concrete proposals and solutions to the existing problems. This platform would operate on a permanent basis until the official start of the electoral period and would meet on a regular basis”, the Liberal Democrat said at a press briefing.

According to him, the unprecedented division in the Moldovan society is the direct effect of the quality of the exercise of Maia Sandu's first mandate. And this was also manifested by the majority vote of the people living in Moldova against her. Even so, in Vlad Filat's opinion, non-recognition of the elections, protests and other actions would lead to a further split in society, and are pointless.

“For the immediate period ahead, to demonstrate that you are the president of all, it is not enough to make changes in your speech or to operate facade reshuffles in the government. What is needed is a total reset of the act of governance, a new philosophy of governance. And this can only be achieved after parliamentary elections, which must be free and democratic”, added the former Prime Minister.

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