Vlad Filat: Going to Parliament is not a problem for me

Prime Minister Vlad Filat said going to Parliament to present a report is not a problem for him, Info-Prim Neo reports. “I received the invitation to go there and state my viewpoint on the raider attacks staged on banks. It is a normal thing as a new idea appeared for commissions’ reports to be heard in Parliament and then the Government should present its viewpoint so that we take decisions based on these reports,” the Premier told the journalists. Last week, the Communist parliamentary group demanded that the Premier present a report on the socioeconomic situation in the country, the formulation of the fiscal policy and the preparations for winter in the Parliament’s sitting of October 6 or 7. The Liberal-Democratic group asked that Vlad Filat should render a report on the raider attacks on banks. In the October 6 meeting of the legislature, the head of the Liberal-Democratic group Valeriu Strelet asked postponing questioning the Premier, but his proposal was rejected. Thus, Vlad Filat is to report in Parliament on October 7.

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