The raider attacks on the banking system served as a trump card for Moldova, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said in a program on the public TV channel Moldova 1. He stated that the European Parliament adopted a resolution recommending offering Moldova the prospect of joining the EU one day owing to the fact that the Government of Moldova proved it is able to cope with all the challenges, including the raider attacks on banks, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“The European Parliament’s resolution wouldn’t have existed if the Supreme Court of Justice hadn’t passed its decision (whereby the Slovenian investors were restored their ownership rights). The resolution is the reaction and approval of the steps that we have taken in this period. I did not make a fuss. I did my job and made effort for the rightful owners of shares, not only in Moldova Agroindbank, to regain their rights. The measures we took helped restore law and order,” said Vlad Filat.
The Premier said that by the actions that the Government undertook, Moldova sent a firm message to the foreign business and political community, showing it is able to deal with any challenges. “This serious situation we experienced became a trump card for us. The Slovenian Prime Minister phoned me and congratulated me on coping with this challenge. Besides being under the scrutiny of our Western partners, Moldova enjoys support that must be correctly appreciated,” said Vlad Filat.
He voiced hope that Moldova will continue to receive support from the foreign partners, especially in the economic field. He stressed the raider attacks on the banking system will not stop the foreign investments and the negotiations on the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the EU.
On September 15, the European Parliament approved its recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the European External Action Service to offer Moldova the prospect of joining the EU one day. The resolution contains a range of important landmarks for the future Moldova-EU relations and was put forward by MEP Sir Graham Watson, the European Parliament's Rapporteur for the EU- Moldova Association Agreement. It refers to paragraph 49 of the Treaty on European Union, which is about the possibility of joining the EU. It points out the dynamic character of the negotiations on the Association Agreement and positively refers to the dialogue on the liberalization of the visa regime. Also, the MEPs back the launch of talks on the creation of a Free Trade Area by the end of this year.