Viorel Cibotaru: Money for reforms will be found when corruption is rooted out from army

Minister of Defense Viorel Cibotaru said reforms in the National Army won’t be implemented in the near future because there is no money for the purpose. He made such a statement in the talk show “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, IPN reports.

The minister said that the budget for defense was increased in 2015, but this money is anyway insufficient for a serious reform and appropriate equipment. “I don’t think we will find the financial resources needed to implement our projects. Anyway, I’m satisfied that the Government accepted our request to increase the 2015 budget for the army. Until now there was no political will to finance the army. Now such a will exists. We realize that more money will not come and we do what we can. In 2014 the repair of the National Army machinery was completed. I hope that we will find financial resources until 2017 and will do what we planned,” he stated.

Viorel Cibotaru considers the necessary money will be found when corruption is rooted out from the army and the property is managed more efficiently. “I do not want to discredit my predecessors, but I discovered a number of faults in property management. As to the appropriation, we had even convictions in this respect. If we solve these problems, we will find money,” he said.

The minister noted he is for forming a professional army, but the conscript soldiers must be kept. “I am for the mixed system. We must have an army consisting of professional staff and of conscripts. The young people must do military service. At the same time, the army is an education for them,” said Viorel Cibotaru.

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