Victor Ponta: Romania should organize a meeting between EU and EaP leaders

During the presidency of the Council of the European Union, Romania should organize in Iasi a meeting between the leaders of the European Union and the leaders of the three countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) that signed Association Agreements with the EU, the leader of the Pro-Romania Party Victor Ponta, former Prime Minister of Romania, was quoted by IPN as saying in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel.

“You see how many problems Ukraine has related to military security, economic problems, political problems. Georgia is a partner that has a lot of things to discuss with the European Union, while we would push Moldova to the forefront,” stated Victor Ponta.

According to him, there are political dissentions, but the interest is to bring Moldova, together with Ukraine and Georgia, to a table with the EU. “We probably missed this occasion,” stated the Romanian politician, noting the parliamentary elections that will take place in Moldova next February could be among the causes.

Former acting Premier of Romania Sorin Câmpeanu, president of the Francophone University Agency, said Romania’s position as president of the Council of the EU could be an opportunity for explaining the natural relations between the two sides of the Prut to Brussels. “It is a window of opportunity that does not appear very often. Maybe something will happen in this regard and we will manage to convince Brussels too,” stated Sorin Câmpeanu. According to him, it is for the benefit of a Europe that goes through a more difficult period to enjoy support from more countries and a series of arguments in favor of this should be identified and supported.

In the first half of 2019, Romania will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will take over from Austria.

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