Veronica Dragalin relieved of her duties as of March 5

Prosecutor General Ion Munteanu has admitted the request and the termination of Veronica Dragalin's employment as of March 5, IPN reports.

The head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, Veronica Dragalin, submitted her resignation on February 19. Dragalin explained that she did so in order to stop the liquidation of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the PCCOCS.

A day later, however, the draft law providing for the creation of the Prosecutor's Office for Anti-Corruption and Combating Organized Crime was passed in first reading by 61 MPs. According to the bill's authors, the legislative initiative is intended to strengthen efforts to fight corruption and organized crime by bringing together competences in a unified specialized structure.

The High Council of Prosecutors could appoint an interim head of the anti-corruption prosecutor's office tomorrow, March 4. The subject has been included on the supplementary agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

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