Government must organize a very strong media campaign regarding the fight with corruption that has to be preceded by concrete actions and signs in order to prove to the economic units it intends to fight seriously the corruption phenomenon, declared on Thursday, April 20 the economist Veaceslav Ionita.
He mentioned that it is not enough to create institutions, to change laws if the state does not convince the population and especially the economic units that in Moldova fighting corruption and disorder is a reality.
“We can’t obtain a long-term economic growth without three basic pylons: favourable economic environment, fighting corruption and the independence of Justice, because each economic unit must know the relation with the state or with other economic units is based on justice” aid Ionita. According to him, even after ensuring this condition, judges will stop taking money only after 2-3 years.
Ionita considers favourable for the economic growth the fact Moldova is answering, “Why it is the way it is”, because you cannot change anything until you start identifying yourself. In this context, Ionita mentioned the Government must promote laws for every economy area and the economical agents must recognize that the Government’s only mission is to ensure the business comfort. The direct obligation to develop economy belongs to them.