VAT payers will have to sign new agreement on electronic statement

The VAT payers from the municipalities of Chisinau, Balti and Comrat that submit reports in electronic format to the State Tax Service exclusively must sign a new agreement on connection to the Electronic Statement service, valid for three years. The agreement signed earlier expires this year, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué of IS “Fiscservinform”.

In September – December 2011, 15,000 tax payers connected themselves to the automated fiscal reporting service Electronic Statement. Given that the range of fiscal services provided through advanced technology has extended considerably (General Electronic Register of Fiscal Invoices, Online Command of Standard Forms, e-Invoice, Taxpayer’s Current Account, etc), the new agreement allows providing the recently launched services gratis as well.

The VAT payers from the municipalities of Chisinau, Balti and Comrat, in the person of the manager and chief accountant, will be invited to present themselves at one of the Regional Connection Centers by prior arrangement. The three centers are located: in Chisinau, at 162 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Blvd, of 220; in Balti, at 128 Stefan cel Mare St, and in Comrat, at 20 Comsomolului St.

Details about the presentation time and conditions will be sent at the e-mail addresses indicated when persons responsible for submitting fiscal reports in electronic format register on the website If the persons responsible for signing the fiscal statement (manager or chief accountant) are replaced, additional authentication electronic signatures are issued on the payment of the taxes set by IS “Fiscservinform”. If the signature is valid and the mentioned persons weren’t substituted or their identification data weren’t modified, the Regional Connection Centers will provide services free of charge.

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