Upheaval in Romania and Bessarabian problem. Op-Ed by Anatol Țăranu



A strong argument for promoting the feeling of Romanian national dignity can become the political initiative to conclude a brotherhood treaty, strengthening ties with Romania and supporting its European aspirations... It would become an expression of national solidarity and unity, a project of Romanian national reunification, maximally possible at this historical stage...


Anatol Țăranu

International context and political crisis in Romania

Romania has recently become a topic frequently treated by the international press, and the comments are not at all favorable. The main reason for this increased attention is the so-called "TikTok controversy", which was allegedly exploited by Russian intelligence services to influence the recent presidential election in Romania and to support a preferred candidate. The competent institutions in Romania presented evidence to support these accusations.

Romania's Constitutional Court invalidated the election, rescheduling the election for May. This exceptional decision generated a shock wave in society and caused deep concern among the European partners and NATO. The European Commission launched an investigation under the Digital Services Act to assess possible violations of electoral law.

The interest of Western partners in Romania's stability has a strong strategic motivation. External interference in the elections of an EU and NATO member state is a major security problem, all the more so as Romania plays a key role in the Black Sea region. The plans to deploy over 10,000 troops in Constanta, the existence of the missile shield base in Deveselu and the possible deployment of additional NATO troops make Romania's situation of particular importance in the current geopolitical context.

Internal causes of crisis

The crisis in Romania, however, does not only have geopolitical causes, but also reflects deep internal problems. The accumulated discontent in society, generated by governance drawbacks, favored the proliferation of disinformation and propaganda. This trend is not unique to Romania and is also found in other European countries, where disillusionment with traditional parties created fertile ground for the rise of populist and far-right parties, many of them with pro-Russian sympathies.

In Romania, corruption scandals and political mistakes affected the public perception of the economic and democratic progress made in recent decades. High inflation, poverty, regional disparities, the exodus of skilled labor, problems in the medical system, and corruption amplified the sense of frustration among the population. Even if certain economic indicators are on the rise and a larger number of Romanians choose to return to the country, the image of traditional governments remains unfavorable, similar to that of other European states.

According to a former U.S. ambassador to Romania, who has closely monitored the evolution of Romanian politics, the current political system appears to be "disorganized, mediocre, and essentially tribal." This characterization reflects a reality that calls into question the capacity of the current political class to manage current challenges and provide solutions for the future.

Rise of extremism and populism

In the created situation, the established parties must offer solutions to ordinary Romanians for the chronic problems they face. A serious renewal is needed at the level of political leaders who have political dexterity and really enjoy the trust of Romanians in order to manage the country in these complicated times full of challenges that were never encountered in the past. However, if these changes do not occur quickly, the assault of extremist parties will continue, with the risk of critical destabilization of Romania, causing uncertainty for the country's future.

The most important thing for Romania's stability is the precise detection of the reasons that led to the massive support of an imposing number of Romanians for far-right and pro-Russian populist parties. In Romania, the far right exploits national pride and dignity through a series of populist strategies, meant to create a sense of national unity around themes about the alleged threat posed by external influences (EU, globalization, etc.). History is reinterpreted in the sense of an aggressive nationalism, reaching the point of rehabilitating legionarism. It insists on the idea that Romanian values are in danger due to modernization and secularization, and the Orthodox Church is often used as an instrument of nationalist mobilization.

The extreme right exploits, with a lot of political and electoral efficiency, the real economic and social problems in Romanian society. The sense of frustration caused by poverty, emigration and corruption is fueled and exacerbated by extremist rhetoric. It promises to "regain national dignity" through radical, protectionist or anti-European measures.

A special, if not central, place in the extremist discourse is occupied by the excessive use of symbols such as the tricolor, national heroes, ancient Dacia, the question of Bessarabia, in ways that distort historical reality. Marches, commemorations and parades are used to create a sense of belonging and exclusion of "others".

All these strategies are especially effective in times of crisis, when the population is more vulnerable to simplistic and emotional messages. National pride is a legitimate feeling, but it is destroyed by the far right through extremist messages, which justify illiberal policies and the exclusion of particular groups from society.

Problem of Bessarabia and dismantling of extremist discourse

The dismantling of the extremist message in Romanian society can be successfully achieved by bringing to the attention of the general public the problem of Bessarabia, through the angle of historical truth and political pragmatism. In this matter, the far right promotes radical nationalism, with an isolationist and xenophobic vision, often conveying anti-European or pro-Russian discourses, which is contradictory in the context of Bessarabia's history.

The province of Bessarabia was twice wrested from Romania by the USSR, and Russia currently continues to influence the region through the frozen Transnistrian conflict and anti-Western propaganda. Although the far right claims to defend national interests, its anti-European, anti-NATO, anti-Western messages are in line with the Kremlin's propaganda. This is a glaring contradiction that can be exploited to dismantle the credibility of the extremist message.

The problem of Bessarabia is closely linked to dictatorships and totalitarian regimes (USSR, Putin's Russia). The defense of democratic and European values on this issue contrasts sharply with the authoritarian tendencies of the extreme right in Romania, which flirts with anti-liberal models. Thus, the Bessarabian problem can be used to expose the contradictions and dangers of the far right, promoting instead modern, pro-European and democratic patriotism.

Moldovan-Romanian brotherhood treaty: solution for national dignity

A strong argument for promoting the feeling of Romanian national dignity can become the political initiative to conclude a Moldovan-Romanian brotherhood treaty, which would certainly represent a landmark moment in the relations between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, having a profound significance both from a political point of view,  as well as from the viewpoint of identity. This treaty, through the commitments assumed by both parties, would become a strong argument of national dignity, emphasizing the historical, cultural and linguistic ties between the two Romanian states.

Such a treaty, under the current conditions, would represent an act of reaffirmation of the national identity of the Republic of Moldova, strengthening ties with Romania and supporting its European aspirations. This document would demonstrate that national dignity does not only mean sovereignty, but also the recognition of common historical and cultural values. In this context, the brotherhood treaty would become an expression of national solidarity and unity, a project of Romanian national reunification, maximally possible at this historical stage.

Anatol Țăranu
doctor of history, political commentator

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