Untila challenges Urecheanu' reelection as AMN president

A group of members of the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) headed by MP Veaceslav Untila announced their intention to lodge an application with the Ministry of Justice, informing about the violations committed at the party's eighth Congress, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on December 23, members of the group said they classified the given violations into three groups: limitation of the political pluralism and the freedom of expression; vote counting irregularities, and rigging of the voting results. The AMN MP Veaceslav Untila and 18 representatives of the party's district organizations accused the reelected leader of the AMN Serafim Urecheanu of employing the principle “he who counts wins the elections”. Veaceslav Untila said the persons who delivered speeches at the Congress were selected according to the preferences of the party's leader. “Urechean did so that none of them spoke about inconvenient issues for him and those who support him. Nothing was said about the plastic coffins, Urechean's trips to Moscow, the reasons why the AMN achieved poorer results in the parliamentary elections,” he said. Speaking about the number of votes that Urecheanu polled, Untila said that persons who were not delegated could also vote. The representatives of the AMN say the application to the Ministry of Justice is accompanied by a video cassette that includes vote counting moments. The head of Cahul district Gheorghe Vasilache expressed his dissatisfaction with the election of Victor Osipov as vice president of the AMN. “Osipov carried Urechean's bag during four years, while I was struggling to create the party's image,” he said. The members of the group demand that the Ministry of Justice limit the activity of the Moldova Noastra Alliance and formulate an application for organizing another congress of the party.

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