The recently created UNION Bloc that consists of three parties and three unionist associations will be transformed into an electoral bloc for running in this year’s local elections. At least five parties that plead for Moldova’s Union with Romania are expected to join the bloc, four of the six leaders of the parties that formed the UNON Bloc announced, IPN reports.
President of the Association “Unirea-ODIP” Vlad Biletski said the goal of the bloc is to run in elections and to promote the union desideratum among the population. The newly created bloc aims not only to compete in elections, but these are a platform on which all the civic and political forces that promote the Union meet. Before forming the UNION Bloc, they didn’t issue invitations to take part to other parties as they didn’t want to compromise the idea of creating the bloc. “We didn’t need negotiations, concessions, pacts signed with blood, etc. We held by an hour of discussions during three days and on the last day planned the speeches to announce the formation of the bloc. We cannot say these were negotiations. We rather coordinated things,” stated the activist.
National Liberal Party president Vitalia Pavlichenko noted the unionist forces have a debt as regards the unification towards the unionists. All the discussions and attempts by some of the forces to unite can be perceived as a preparatory stage. “What gladdens us is the fact that political and intellectual will was found for doing this rather well and swiftly. I’m glad that the young unionists are near us and we are near them,” stated the politician, noting this example of union of forces can be followed by other political and social entities.
Liberal Reformist Party vice president Tatiana Potâng said that until now they invited the parties to dialogue and this format of dialogue turned out to be inefficient as no result was achieved. The Liberal Reformist Party in elections supported the bloc ACUM, but decided then that after the elections it will start to work fundamentally so as to achieve the union for each person apart. “All the people who attended those discussions were well-intentioned. This was the element that united us,” she stated, adding this model of uniting forces turned out to be the most efficient one at the current stage.
Ex-chairman of the Association “Moldova’s Youth” Anatol Ursu said the UNION Bloc sent the invitation to five unionist parties: Liberal Party, National Unity Party, Liberal Democratic Party, “Antimafie” Movement Party and Democratic Action Party. Responses as to the eventual discussions haven’t been yet provided, but the representatives of the bloc intend to go in person to the five parties. “We are in an active campaign aimed at attracting the other unionist parties that work on Moldova’s political arena,” stated Anatol Ursu.
The announcement concerning the creation of the UNION Bloc was made on April 5. This consists of the National Liberal Party, the Association “Unirea-ODIP”, the Liberal Reformist Party, the Association “Moldova’s Youth”, the National Unity Bloc and the Party “Democracy at Home”.