Unaffiliated MP Alexandr Nesterovski granted Russian citizenship

Unaffiliated MP Alexandr Nesterovschi, who is close to Ilan Shor, acquired the citizenship of the Russian Federation, as Russian media reported. According to the source, the acquisition of Russian citizenship by Nesterovski could be related to the criminal prosecution against him in the Republic of Moldova.

"I can tell you that today the Court of Chisinau City will pronounce a sentence on his case, which we consider politically motivated. There could be some connection," Nesterovski’s lawyer Anatolie Pitel told the press.

Alexandr Nesterovski is accused of passive corruption in particularly large proportions, in the interests of an organized criminal group, and preparing the financing of political parties from sources prohibited by law, committed in large proportions. In 2023, Alexandr Nesterovski was stripped of parliamentary immunity and arrested, IPN reports.

Nesterovski is currently under house arrest.

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