UN-World Bank delegation on visit to Moldova

The UN and the World Bank support the Government in its efforts to nationalize the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. This is the conclusion of a meeting of the Government’s Secretary General Lilia Palii and the UN – WB common delegation that is in Chisinau on an assessment mission, IPN reports, quoting the executive’s press service.

During July 17-21, 2017, the members of the delegation are assessing the progress and constraints in the process of adjusting the Sustainable Development Goals to the national context, which will be taken into account the first when working out the National Sustainable Development Strategy ”Moldova 2030”.

Lilia Palii underlined the importance of the initiated assessment, saying that the integration of the SDG into the national strategic planning documents is a key priority of the Government. She also spoke about the actions prior to the formulation of the Strategy “Moldova 2030”, stressing the necessity of broadly consulting all the players concerned. “It is important for the strategic planning process to cover not only public institutions as the whole society should be involved in the process of setting the national priorities,” she stated.

The meeting also centered on the role of the State Chancellery in the process of planning, working out and monitoring the implementation of policies at national level and strengthening the institution’s capacities in the context of the public administration reform.

During the next few days, the delegation will have a series of meetings with representatives of the central public authorities, civil society, the academic community, the private sector and development partners. On July 21, it will stage a workshop where there will be presented the findings and recommendations concerning the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in Moldova.

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