Ukrainian customs officials leave Moldovan without car

Ukrainian customs officials confiscated the Mercedes with a Lithuanian license number of a 26-year-old Moldovan, who intended to enter Ukraine via Odessa region, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the news website The man presented a power of attorney showing ownership of the car, which was issued by a notary’s office in Vilnius, and the translation of the document in Russian. It was established that the paper of the documents was ordinary office paper without security levels, while the translation of the power of attorney contained many grammatical mistakes. It was also determined that when the document was issued the driver was not in Lithuania. Moreover, according to the power of attorney, the Republic of Moldova is situated in Kazakhstan. The driver confessed that he bought the car in Belarus and did not have ownership documents for it. The Mercedes to the value of about 95,000 Ukrainian hrivnas (140,000 lei) was handed over to the Customs Service.

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