UCM launches its electoral platform and program

The Centrist Union from Moldova (UCM) has launched its team and electoral program on Tuesday, February 17. Ex-premier Vasile Tarlev, the leader of the party, stated that if UCM got to the parliament, it woulf organize referendums in order to bring to a close the disputes in society, Info-Prim Neo reports. “If the Moldovan citizens opt for Russian as the second state language, by means of a referendum, we shall conform ourselves,” Tarlev exemplified. “We must finally decide what language to speak. According to documents we speak Moldovan as the state language, in other parts we are told that we speak Romanian,” UCM leader added. According to Vasile Tarlev, the main goal of the Centrist Union form Moldova is to ensure stability in society, economic and social progress, to ensure a better life for each citizen and confidence in the day to come. “We shall support each family, we shall raise allotments and indemnities for mothers: for the first child – up to 10 thousand lei, for the second one – up to 20 thousand lei, for the third one – up to 30 thousand lei. We shall provide housing for young families at reasonable prices. We shall raise the average salary on the level of the Eastern European countries – up to 700 euros, pensions – up to 300 euros,” reads the program presented by UCM. On the external level, the UCM proposes strengthening friendship relations and strategic partnership with Russia, doing the best for integrating Moldova into the EU. “We shall create “a belt of friend states.” We shall take pains for the real and pragmatic integration of Moldova into the European Union. This will allow our country face much easier the consequences of the world economic recession, modernize its economy, raise the citizens’ standard of living. We shall begin with building Europe at our home, in Moldova, reaching high standards in economy and a European level of living,” the UCM members note. President of the Party of Law and Right, general Nicolae Alexei and leader of the Social-political Movement “Ravnopravie” Valerii Climenco, who were present at launching the program, stated they would support the UCM at the parliamentary elections. Nicolae Alexei is the 32nd on the UCM list. Climenco is not found on the list. The Republican People’s Party previously announced through a press release it would support the UCM at the elections. The first ten UCM candidates for a seat in the Moldovan Parliament are: ex-premier Vasile Tarlev; former president of the UCM Mihail Petrache; chairman of the Moldovan Barristers Gheorghe Amihalachioaie; Tatiana Leanca, the secretary of the Republican People’s Party; Fiodor Gagauz, local official from Gagauzia; ex-president of the Humanist Party Ion Mereuta (the PU members decided to join the UCM in December, 2008). The seventh on the UCM list is dean of the Department of Law at the State University from Moldova Gheorghe Avornic. The next is jurist Mihail Varcolici; Anatol Ciubotaru, the director of the Heart Surgery Unit at the Institute of Cardiology and Valeriu Ianioglo, the deputy director of the Gagauzia Executive Committee. The UCM list has 97 candidates, including 13 women, 6 youths up to 30 years and 11 persons over 60 years. 25 candidates declared they have juridical studies and work in the area, some of them being lawyers. There are 9 doctors on the list, including veterinary doctors and hygienists, 14 teachers, etc. 33 out of 97 candidates are from Chisinau.

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