“Moldova needs a group of highly-qualified and honest specialists who will enter Parliament after earning the people's trust,” chairman of the Centrist Union of Moldova (UCM) Mihai Petrache said, specifying the party will take part in the November early legislative elections, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to Mihai Petrache, Moldova has been struggling between dictatorship and democracy for 20 years. Society experiences an interminable war between the poor and the rich, between those who govern and the governed ones, between the left bank and the right bank of the Nistru River, between the East and the Vest. The Communist Government, during eight years, divided society into Romanians and Moldovans, into those who are in favor and against of statehood. On the other hand, the promises made by the Alliance for European Integration have not been fulfilled during one year. The Communist regime wasn't removed and it continues to strengthen its position.
Mihai Petrache said the non-identification of the authors of the April 7 events, the non-election of the head of state and the unsuccessful referendum are among the biggest failures of the governing alliance. “Neither the Communists not the anti-Communists can now govern and the people can no more bear such a situation. The UCM's National Council considers only an alternative political force consisting of picked persons can resolve the interminable political crisis and rescue Moldova,” he stated.
According to Petrache, the UCM accumulated experience in the process of cooperating with political forces and got rid of profiteers and and political swindlers. “We strengthened our ranks and are ready to cooperate and join the human resources into an alternative force able to solve the country's problems,” he said.
The UCM believes a party is a form of association and a method of promoting social policies with the people's participation. It will promote its members, sympathizers and allies according to their competence, honesty and effectiveness, the party's leader said. Mihai Petrache also said the UCM might form a coalition with smaller parties like the Green Alliance, the Conservative Party and the Social Democratic Party.
The National Council of the UCM has over 5,000 members. The party was founded on May 15, 2000 and aims to build a civil society and a state of law where the people will enjoy decent living conditions. The UCM took part in the early parliamentary elections of 2001 and in the local elections of 2003.