Two workers fall from scaffolding

A woman, 50, and a man, 64, working at a building site on Iorga Street in Chisinau fell from scaffolding from a height of approximately 3 meters.

The woman suffered a head trauma and a closed fracture of the right tibia. The man also suffered a head injury. After receiving emergency care, both were taken to hospital for additional examinations and specialized treatment.

Since the beginning of the year, the State Labor Inspectorate has received 200 reports of accidents at work. Most accidents occur in agriculture, constructions and the processing industry, and the most common accidents are falls from height, slips and trips, toppling accidents, and electric shocks.

Commenting on these statistics, Moldova's chief labor inspector Dumitru Stavila told IPN that often employers forget about creating safe work conditions when chasing after high returns. When employers are being stingy and fail to provide their workers with adequate safety gear, they risk to lose out if accidents occur leading to injuries or fatalities. In such cases, employers may face administrative, civil and even criminal punishment, warns Dumitru Stavila.

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