Two women swindled out of 4m lei after promised they would have fabulous gains from investments

Two women remained without 4 million lei after they were persuaded by two young men to invest in so-called forex trading platforms. The suspects, who presented themselves as investment experts, allegedly promised the victims that they would soon have a fabulous income. Recently, the two men, one of whom is a Turkish citizen, were detained, IPN reports.

The General Police Inspectorate said that between October and December this year, the suspects, aged 20 and 27, allegedly convinced the two women to make investments. They borrowed from relatives, took out loans from banks and microfinance companies. One of them also sold her apartment to get more money for investments.

At one point, the women started to have doubts about the promises made to them and appealed to the authorities. The suspects were detained at the moment they received another amount of money, after they had previously requested the transfer of the amounts to accounts abroad.

During searches at suspects’ homes, large sums of money and electronic devices for storing cryptocurrencies were detected. At the request of the Ialoveni Prosecutor's Office, the two were placed in preventive detention for 30 days.

Investigations continue to identify other victims. It is estimated that the scammers earned by US$50,000 daily.

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