Two Transnistrian companies licensed to import cigarettes, PAS MP notifies PGO

MP of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) Igor Grosu notified the Prosecutor General’s Office of the issuing by the Public Services Agency of licenses for the import of cigarettes to two companies registered on the left side of the Nistru River: SRL “Almavis” and SRL “Tabimport”, IPN reports.

According to the MP, the licenses were issued even if the Security and Intelligence Service earlier said the issuing of licenses for the import and sale of products on which excise duties are paid (alcoholic drinks and cigarettes) to companies registered on the left side of the Nistru poses risks to the economic interests and foreign image of the Republic of Moldova.

Igor Grosu said that at practical level, it was a scheme by which cigarettes were massively smuggled by criminal groups to the EU and Ukraine through the Republic of Moldova. In 2012-2014, this scheme was used to smuggle 330 million cigarettes to the value of US$68 million. Between 2015 and 2019, 550 million cigarettes were smuggled this way and sold through Duty Free stores.

“It is outrageous as the government complains that it does not have money for pensions and salaries, but opens up gates for the illegal enrichment of thieves,” stated Igor Grosu.

The Prosecutor General’s Office specified for IPN that the MP’s application will be examined in the conditions defined by law.

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