Two guards of a private security company were arrested after one of them fired a pneumatic pistol at a driver. The two, being outside the working hours, but in uniform, both under the influence of alcohol, started to quarrel with a diver who, passing nearby, touched one of these with the mirror of his car, IPN reports.
The incident happened on Dacia Blvd in Botanica district of Chisinau the evening of February 9. The 24-year-old driver was hospitalized with a wound near the eye.
The General Police Inspectorate said the guard who shot is not registered as a gun holder and does not hold a service gun. He refused to say where he took the pistol from. A third guardian was question as a witnessed. This lives not far from the place of the incident and was going to meet his coworkers.
The managers of the private security company told the police that the guards involved in the conflict will be fired.