Two days of Romanian cultural traditions at Vatra ethno-cultural complex

Romanian folklore music and dances, traditional Romanian cuisine, meetings between local officials from Romania and the Republic of Moldova will be just a few of the events that will take place on September 14 and 15 at the Cultural Festival of Romanians Everywhere. The invitation to the event that will unfold at Vatra ethno-cultural complex was made by organizers at a press conference held on September 13, IPN reports.

Viorica Moraru, executive director of Vatra Center, mentioned that this was the second edition of the event. "We promise you an extraordinary 2-day event. More than 150 groups of performers from Romania and the Republic of Moldova are expected to participate”, stated Viorica Moraru.

Nearly 200 local officials, mayors, heads of county councils from Romania are expected to meet their counterparts from the Republic of Moldova.

Among the performers at the festival there will be Florin Piersic, Irina Loghin, Fuego, Subcarpatii band, Eugen Doga and many others.

"A highlight of the festival will be a huge 100-kilo cake with the imprinted map of Greater Romania," said Viorica Moraru.

Corina Bezer, co-organizer of the festival, mentioned that on September 15, Romanian high-ranking officials would present the financing programs of the Romanian state for mayor halls in the Republic of Moldova. "Among the speakers will be the Romanian ambassador to Chisinau, Daniel Ioniță, the Secretary of State of the Ministry for Romanians Everywhere, Victor Alexeev, the President of the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova, Tatiana Badan, and several county and district leaders from both sides of the Prut." said Corina Bezer.

Organizers mention that minibuses will be provided. They will leave the Sculeni barrier and make regular trips to the place where the festival will be held.


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