TV and Internet are most important and reliable sources of information, poll

The TV channels and the Internet are the most important and reliable sources of information, while the social networking sites became the third most important source of information. Prime and Moldova 1 top the rankings of TV channels watched for news stories, programs and shows, reveals a sociological survey commissioned by the Association “WatchDog.MD” Community to CBS Research, IPN reports.

In a news conference, sociologist Vasile Cantarji said confidence in the Internet during the last 3-4 years increased, the rankings being topped by Facebook with 29.7%.

The survey also addressed political aspects. “WatchDog.MD” expert Valeriu Pașa said that over 80% of the respondents could not name a political personality they trust. 8.3% named Igor Dodon, 6.5% – Maia Sandu, while 1.5% – Renato Usatyi.

As regards voter turnout at eventual parliamentary elections, 45.6% of those surveyed said they are absolutely sure that they will take part in the elections, while 18.4% said they are sure they will not take part. 60% of those who said they will take part do not know who to vote for. The Party of Socialists tops the electoral preferences with 10.7%, being followed by the Action and Solidarity Party with 10.5% and the Democratic Party with 4.1%.

In this autumn’s presidential elections, Igor Dodon would gain 14.3% of the vote, while Maia Sandu (PAS) – 11.8%. 57.6% of the respondents do not know or could not formulate an answer.

Some 52.7% of those surveyed believe Moldova should join the European Union, 16.68% - the Eurasian Union, while the rest do not know or didn’t provide an answer.

Asked “Who helped our country more during the pandemic?”, 33.3% of those surveyed said the EU, 16.5% - Russia and 13.6% - China.

The poll covered 1,003 people aged over 18 and was carried out by phone during May 5-11, 2020.

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