Tourism can and should become key sector of the economy, minister

The authorities aim to turn Moldova into a competitive and sustainable tourism destination that can provide economic, social and environmental benefits to the current local communities and the future generations. A Tourism Sustainability Commitment by which the Republic of Moldova will align its tourism industry with the global practices was signed in Chisinau today, IPN reports.

Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan said the inbound tourism of Moldova had proved it is attractive to Western tourists before the war and the pandemic. “For the Ministry of Culture, the tourism sector will always be a priority. We are making effort to hasten the creation of a body responsible for the implementation of policies and coordination of activities to rehabilitate tourism – the National Tourism Office. For our country, tourism can and should become a key sector of the national economy. For the purpose, sustainable approaches are needed,” said the official.

Sergiu Prodan noted that for Moldova, which is an EU candidate, the transposition of the regulations and policies in the field of sustainability, including the provision of the European Green Dealt, is a priority. “The Sustainability Commitment is a public-private initiative in which we will be guided by the internationally renowned Global Sustainable Tourism Council. We will enjoy the strategic support of the EU through the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity in Moldova during the next five years,” said the official.

Diana Lazăr, head of the Wine Industry Component of USAID’s High Value Agriculture Activity in Moldova, said the micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises are those that help tourism to exist in the Republic of Moldova and are also in the vanguard of the implementation of the Sustainability Commitment. “To be guided in this activity, we have access to unique expertise provided within the Global Sustainable Tourism Council,” she stated.

Randy Durband, CEO of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, stated that the sustainability of tourism requires skills and new approaches. The signed Sustainability Commitment will be strengthened by the cooperation of the public and private sectors so as to work out the sustainable management directions applicable to different forms of tourism.

The Sustainability Commitment will be implemented through the partnership between the Ministry of Culture and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council with support from USAID’s Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity in Moldova, which is the strategic partner for the tourism industry in Moldova.

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