Traian Vasilcau launches nine volumes entitled “Inscriptions on eternity”

Poet, writer, essayist and translator Traian Vasilcau launched nine volumes entitled “Inscriptions on eternity” after working for almost five years on them. The event was hosted by the National Library on May 22 as part of a performance titled “Letter from God” that involved writers, singers, plastic artists and relatives and friends of the author, IPN reports.

The volumes include everything that Traian Vasilcau wrote before 2016. The first-seventh volumes consist of poems, essays, aphorisms, translations,  pamphlets, lyrics, etc. The eighth volume includes the works written in time that weren’t published, while the ninth volume consists of chronicles, reviews, references, poems dedicated to the author, caricatures and sketches made by Romanian plastic artists.

In the launch, Traian Vasilcau compared the appearance of the nine volumes with nine skies and nine lyrical universes. He said the event was long awaited by him and he is glad that the readers also awaited for the volumes to appear and the packed hall at the launch is a proof of this.

Academician Mihai Cimpoi said the launch of the nine volumes is a special editorial event in the literary world of Moldova. He noted that Traian Vasilcau is a good publicist and he easily creates all kinds of writings, but prefers the classical forms of literature and does not venture to experiment. In his works, the author speaks about daily problems and is appreciated for his style of writing.

The prefaces to the nine volumes were written by university professor Dragos Vicol. He said the launch of these books is a holiday for the soul. Traian Vasilcau’s works transform the reader without this realizing what’s happening to him. The poems of Traian Vasilcau are like prayers that help you get rid of the daily routine. “Traian Vasilcau forms part of the camp of those who look at literature from up to down,” stated Dragos Vicol.

Traian Vasilcau is a poet, writer, essayist, translator, librettist and author of lyrics in Romanian. He is known by the pseudonym “Traianus” or “Trajanus”. He is a laureate of the National Arts and Culture Award 2016.

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