Top 100 highest-paying job vacancies registered by ANOFM

The National Employment Agency (ANOFM) informs job seekers about the highest-paying jobs on the labor market, available at the current stage, according to the statements of economic agents. The list of the highest paid positions available can be accessed on the Agency's website, IPN reports.

According to the ANOFM, the proposed vacancies offer salaries of 15,000 to 35,000 lei. Most of the jobs are available in Chisinau and in the districts of Hîncești, Ialoveni, Balti, and Cahul.

Interested persons can apply for one of the offers mentioned in the list. It is also possible to register as unemployed, and the Agency's employees can help people choose the suitable occupation by compiling the vocational profile.

To find out more details, potential employees can go to the local employment subdivisions or can call on 080001000 from Monday through Friday, between 08:00 a.m. and 05:00 p.m.

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