Tolls for heavy vehicles will be calculated according to mileage

Tolls for the use of roads by heavy vehicles will be calculated according to the number of kilometers traveled. Thus, operators will no longer pay a fixed tax for exceeding the axle load and the total permissible mass. A draft law to this effect was approved by the Parliament’s Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance, IPN reports.

The authors of the draft law, a group of PAS MPs, said that the proposed amendments to the Fiscal Code aim to ensure fair treatment for all operators applying for special transport authorizations.

According to the sponsors, the calculation of the tax according to the number of kilometers traveled is used in the European Union, including Romania, and ensures a fairer system that is more adapted to the economic realities in the field of transport.

The draft law is to be examined in the plenary session of Parliament. The authors propose that, after adoption and publication in the Official Gazette, the new provisions should be applied retroactively, from January 1, 2025.

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