Three Moldovan young people to benefit from internship in German Bundestag

A German delegation this week will select three young Moldovans who will receive by an international parliamentary scholarship allowing them to familiarize with Germany’s parliamentary system within internships in the Bundestag. The German Parliament has provided such scholarships to young people from 28 countries for seven years in a row, IPN reports.

Aurica Miler, who is in charge of cultural programs at the German Embassy in Moldova, said the scheme involves five-month placements with Members of the German Bundestag and admission to one of the Berlin universities. Every year, about 120 young people are offered the opportunity to know the German parliamentary system and political decision-making processes and to gain practical experience of parliamentary work.

The program is implemented under the auspices of the president of the Bundestag, in cooperation with the Berlin universities. All the travel, accommodation, insurance expenses and the monthly scholarships are covered by the German Parliament.

The program starts on March 3, 2014 and lasts until July 31, 2015. In Moldova, 18 persons have so far received international parliamentary scholarships.

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