Three judges under disciplinary investigation

Three judges are under disciplinary investigation based on evidence gathered by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. The violations, which concern institutional integrity assessments and judicial conduct, were reviewed by the judicial inspection under the authority of the Superior Council of Magistracy, IPN reports.

According to prosecutors, in the cases of two judges, the reported violations relate to their failure to comply with the obligation to reject undue influence. If judges are unable to resist such influence, they are required to submit a written report to the competent authorities.

Additionally, breaches regarding the status of judges were identified, specifically the prohibition of any communication between judges and case participants or other individuals related to a case under their review, except as provided by procedural law.

Following the completion of the disciplinary investigation, the judicial inspection confirmed the existence of elements constituting disciplinary offenses. In accordance with legal provisions, the reports have been submitted for review to the Disciplinary Board of the Superior Council of Magistracy.

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