Thirty-one children who are foreign nationals have been treated for coronavirus in Moldovan hospitals since the beginning of the pandemic. They have enjoyed the same, free-of-charge coronavirus treatment as all the pediatric patients who are Moldovan nationals, said the Ministry of Health in response to an IPN inquiry.
Of the thirty-one foreign children, eight were hospitalized last year, and the others since the beginning of this year.
“The regulatory framework does not provide for medical fees to be paid for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 who are citizens of other states”, replied the Ministry.
During the same period, 3,595 Moldovan children have been treated for coronavirus. The current regulatory framework requires medical institutions to treat Moldovan children free of charge, including those diagnosed with COVID-19.
Children in Moldova are treated for coronavirus in three hospitals: the Mother and Child Institute and its affiliated “Emilian Coțaga” Clinic, the Bălți Hospital, and Chișinău Children’s Hospital for Infectious Diseases.