Theological institutions announce admission contests

A number of theological education institutions in Moldova have announced admission contests. The documents can be submitted between July 15 and August 24, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the website of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church. The contest announced by the Orthodox Theological Seminary in Chisinau is open to boys that finished the ninth class. The studies last for three years. The applicants must submit the application, six photographs (3x4), the medical certificate, the birth certificate, the christening certificate, the copy of the identity card, the receipt for the admission charge (100 lei) and the blessing of the father confessor. For higher education in theology, the graduates of the Orthodox Theological Seminary or the high school graduates can apply to the Academy of Orthodox Theology of Moldova. Besides application, the applicants must file photographs, the medical certificate, the christening certificate, the copy of the identity card. The clerics must also submit the ordaining decree, while the married persons – the marriage certificate and the receipt for the admission charge, the tuition fees and the blessing of the father confessor. Those that want can also file applications for post-university studies. The following documents are needed for admission: the university diploma, an application, four photographs 3x4, the identity card, the christening certificate, the ordaining decree – for clerics and the blessing of the father confessor – for laypersons. The studies are on a contract basis.

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