The text of all the constitutions of the member states of the European Union, the Constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, all translated into Romanian, as well as the Supreme Law of the Republic of Moldova are included in the second edition of the Constitutional Codex, launched on Tuesday in Chisinau. The event marked 30 years since the establishment of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova. According to the authors present at the anniversary, the two volumes will be useful to practitioners and researchers in the field of constitutional law in the Republic of Moldova, as well as to anyone who does not have access to the original text or in an internationally circulated language of the fundamental laws of other countries, IPN reports.
The President of the Constitutional Court, Domnica Manole, the host of the event and the author of the chapter dedicated to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, said that in the presentation of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, she highlighted the role of the Constitutional Court in the path of the Republic of Moldova towards the European Union. She also reported about the increasing number of petitions based on exceptions of unconstitutionality. "Thus, I note the increasingly important role of the Constitutional Court in resolving the referrals of the justiciables and increasing their trust in constitutional justiceˮ, said Domnica Manole.
The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, noted that the merit of this Codex is not only to provide the reader with the text of the constitutions in Romanian, but also to present each constitution from a historical perspective, to present the fundamental rights of each state, the main state authorities, as well as the relationship between national law and EU European law. The value of the work is given both by its content and by the group of lawyers who contributed to its publication, each of the six co-authors being recognized theorists and practitioners of constitutional law both at national and international level, the Minister stressed.
Veronica Mihailov-Moraru added that the appearance of the Constitutional Codex comes in a historical context for the Republic of Moldova, namely the efforts to negotiate accession to the European Union.
Moldovan President Maia Sandu said that the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Court comes at a historic moment for the Republic of Moldova, just a few months after the objective of European integration was enshrined in the country's fundamental law. "All the more symbolic in this context is the inclusion of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova in the second edition of the Constitutional Codex, presented today, together with those of the Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is confirmation that our fundamental law joins those of European states with a democratic and constitutional traditionˮ, the head of state said.
Maia Sandu said that "we still face discrepancy between the constitutional text and the constitutional reality, that is why it is important to continue and accelerate the reform of justice, to strengthen the fight against corruption, to put the law at the head of the table for all, as the people of our countryˮ rightly expectˮ.
PhD Professor at the University of Bucharest, Ștefan Deaconu, pointed out that this work offers all citizens access to the text of the fundamental law of states with a rich constitutional tradition, citizens' knowledge of the rules and constitutional principles on the basis of which constitutional and democratic states operate, understanding the mechanisms of the relationship of the main powers in the state.
In addition to the translation into Romanian of the text of the fundamental laws, the reader is also given a brief presentation of each of the 29 constitutions according to a common structure.