The price of health insurance remains at 12 636 lei next year

As of Wednesday, January 1, 2025, people who insure themselves individually will be able to pay the compulsory health insurance premium (AOAM) for 2025. Its amount remains unchanged compared to the current year and is de 12 636 lei. Also, in the first three months of 2025, those who are obliged to insure themselves individually will benefit from favorable conditions for the payment of the premium, IPN reports.

According to the regulations, citizens who are not employed and do not benefit from government insurance are obliged to pay this insurance premium individually. At the same time, during the January-March period, people who insure themselves individually will pay a lower amount, depending on the type of activity they carry out.

Owners of agricultural land will pay 1,264 lei, while individuals who are self-employed in retail trade, except for trade in excisable goods, will pay 1,895 lei. Also, founders of sole proprietorships, peasant households, patent holders and those engaged in phytotechnics and horticulture will pay 2527 lei. For non-employed persons working in regulated professions, such as notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, court bailiffs, judicial experts, mediators, interpreters, translators and authorized administrators, the amount of the premium will be 5054 lei. People working as family doctors will also pay this amount.

If they are also pensioners or disabled, they will have to pay the insurance premium in a fixed amount, just like the others.

The insurance premium can be paid through the government's electronic payment service MPay. In this case, it is not necessary for citizens to present proof of payment to the territorial service for relations with beneficiaries of the CNAM. Those who cannot pay online can pay at post offices or commercial banks. They can also use MPay payment terminals or call the territorial services of the CNAM.

When paying the insurance premium, it is important that people enter their personal identification number (IDNP) correctly. Please note that individual entrepreneurs, such as the founders of sole proprietorships or peasant households, must make the payment using the IDNP, not the entity's tax code. If the entity's tax code is used, they will not obtain insured status in the compulsory health insurance system.

People who do not pay the insurance premium by the legal deadline will be obliged, as of April 1, 2025, to pay the full amount of 12,636 lei, plus penalties for each day of delay. The status of individually insured person will be granted by the CNAM from the moment of payment of the premium, but no earlier than January 1 and will be valid until January 31, 2026.

The CNAM recommends that citizens pay their insurance premium in January in order to benefit from uninterrupted medical services throughout 2025. In case of any questions regarding the payment of the insurance premium, citizens can call the CNAM Info CNAM helpline on 0800 99999 (free of charge from fixed and mobile networks) or send their questions by e-mail to

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