The most active voters in today's elections are seniors aged between 66 and 75. By 4:45 PM, 67.7% of voters in this age group, representing 12.1% of the total number of voters, have cast their ballots, reports IPN.
People aged between 56 and 65 have turned out at nearly 60% and make up 15.8% of the total voters.
By almost 5:00 PM, 48.2% of seniors over the age of 76 had also voted, representing 4.3% of those who had cast their ballots by that time.
The voter turnout rate for those aged between 46 and 55 is 43.4%, representing nearly 23% of the total voters.
Young people have been less active. Those aged between 26 and 35 voted at a rate of 32%, while those between 18 and 25 voted at a rate of 33.1%. In terms of the total number of voters, they represent 17.9% and 9.7%, respectively.