The Government plans to transform the Railway Palace into a Cultural Palace

The issues at Moldova's Railways cannot be solved by selling the Railway Palace, says Prime Minister Dorin Recean, who also states that selling the Palace is not currently a topic of discussion, IPN reports.

"I repeat, the sale of the Railway Palace is not under discussion, but the Government will definitely come up with a development project to transform the Railway Palace into a Cultural Palace," the Prime Minister said at a press conference.

Dorin Recean believes that the problems at Moldova's Railways will be addressed through the restructuring of the company.

"As you know, Vice Prime Minister Bolea has put some elements of this program on the table. They are being finalized, and accordingly, the company will undergo a transformation," the Prime Minister added.

The Prime Minister's statement comes in the context of the Board of Directors of Moldova's Railways submitting a request to the Public Property Agency to sell several assets, including the Railway Palace. The request was made after railway workers organized protests due to salary arrears exceeding 190 million lei.

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