The prosecutor general will be chosen for a seven-year period, without the right to reelection. This is stipulated in the strategy for reforming the Prosecutor General’s Office that was proposed by the Ministry of Justice for public debates. According to the recommendations of the Venice Commission, the term in office of the prosecutor general should not coincide with the mandate of the legislative body in order to ensure the independence of the prosecutor from the political changes, IPN reports.
The prosecutor general will be named to post by the President of Moldova, at the suggestion of the Supreme Council of Magistrates. The candidate must not have been a member of a party or actively involved in political activities three years before being proposed. The procedure for dismissing the prosecutor general from post will be similar to the appointment procedure. When criminal proceedings are instituted against the prosecutor general, he will be suspended from post. The prosecutor dismissed from post for discrediting reasons will lose right to all the special guarantees.
The strategy for reforming the Prosecutor General’s Office provides that both the graduates of the National Institute of Justice and the candidates for the post of prosecutor with length of service will take the same theory exam. There will be created a register of the participants in the contest for filling the vacancies of prosecutor and chief prosecutor.
The candidates for chief prosecutors will be selected at a contest. One person will be entitled to two consecutive terms in office in a particular prosecutor’s office. The appraisal of the prosecutors will be ordinary and extraordinary. The ordinary appraisal will be carried out once in five years, while the extraordinary one when the prosecutor asks or by participation in the contest, in over two years of the ordinary appraisal or in case of deficiencies in the prosecutor’s work.
Under the strategy, the salary of prosecutors will be raised gradually. After the pay is raised, the prosecutors will be unable to receive concomitantly salary and pension. If the prosecutors continue work after retirement, they will receive only salary. The guarantees enabling the prosecutors to carry guns and other protection means will be removed.