Tenth Francophone Film Festival opens in Moldova

Eleven pictures produced in France will be shown during the tenth Francophone Film Festival that will take place in Chisinau, Cahul, Balti, Ungheni and Tiraspol between March 20 and 28. The festival is organized by the French Alliance in Moldova in cooperation with the Embassy of France and cinema centers. Lidia Troianowski, cultural manager of the Chisinau-based cinema center “Odeon”, told Info-Prim Neo that the organizers selected various types of movies for different age groups. “The cinema-goers in the towns where the festival will take place can choose to watch comedies, dramas, historical films and films for children,” Lidia Troianowski said. Five pictures will be subtitled, while six will be shown in the original. “This festival has been the most popular in Moldova during many years. It is attractive through its valuable films and because there are many persons who know French in our country,” Troianowski added. The Francophone Film Festival in Chisinau will be opened on Saturday, March 20, at 18.00. It starts with a comedy, “Le concert” (“The Concert”), produced by Radu Mihaileanu in 2009. Entrance is free of charge. The program of the festival includes the following movies: “Le capitan Achab” (“Captain Achab”), 2008, “Bienvenue chez les Ch`tis”, 2008, “Le renard et l`enfant” (“The Girl and the Fox”), 2007, Home”, 2008, “Ridicule”, 1996, “La fille coupee en deux” (“The Girl Cut in Two), 2007, “Les soeurs fachees” (“I and My Sister”), 2004, “Largo Winchi”, 2008, “Didier”, 1997, “La tete de maman” (“To My Mother's Mind”), 2007.

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