Tarlev says no talks on gas price change were held in Moscow
Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev today dismissed as rumours press reports that said Tarlev had been told during his recent visit to Moscow that the price of gas delivered to Moldova would increase by $30 to $220 per 1,000 m3.
Tarlev admitted however that the gas issue had been discussed in Moscow, but the talks concerned a potential long-term gas delivery agreement that would replace the existing five-year one. Among other issues discussed was the necessity of reforming Moldova-Gaz Company internally, in order to optimise costs. It was also agreed that Russian Gazprom would invest in developing the gas distribution infrastructure in Moldova, with an estimate of the investments to be announced in the next couple of months. Russia also promised to increase the volume of gas transited through Moldova to Europe, the Premier said.
All the investment made by the Moldovan Government in the last 6 or 7 years in expanding gas distribution networks will be included in the equity capital of Moldova-Gaz so as to raise the government ownership in this company. Vasile Tarlev explained that the Moldovan Government intends to raise the equity of Moldova-Gaz because at the time of its incorporation Moldova was compelled to make a concession and get only 35 percent of stock in this company. “Moldova-Gaz has to be a Moldo-Russian and not a Russo-Moldovan company”, declared the Premier.
Vasile Tarlev went on to add that the Russians had been very constructive and cooperated in finding solutions to a number of problems. He said a Russian delegation headed by the Prime Minister will come to Moldova in March to continue discussions at high level.