Swine fever hotbed eradicated in proportion of 75% in Roșcani and 20% in Cimișeni

The African swine fever hotbed at the farm in Roșcani village of Anenii Noi district was eradicated in a proportion of 75%, and the one at the farm in Cimiseni village of Criuleni district – in a proportion of 20%. In the case of the second farm, the eradication operation is more complex due to the infrastructure. Details in this regard were presented by the Government’s spokesman Daniel Vodă at a news conference, IPN reports.

"The Roscani farm is one of the largest European investments in Moldova made by a Danish group, with an advanced level of biosecurity and a veterinarian from Denmark who supervises these processes. However, we see that the virus spreads, and the authorities together with the owners and the community are working around the clock, applying rigorous procedures," said Daniel Vodă.

The infected pigs are slaughtered in strict compliance with sanitary and veterinary norms, without risks for the population. "The burial procedures are safe, being performed on a clay soil with low permeability, outside the protection area of the Byk River. Disinfectants based on lime chloride are used, according to international standards".

Following discussions with the mayors of the affected localities, water samples were taken from several points in Roșcani and Calfa Nouă, and these will be monitored in the long term. The Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources was requested to carry out the analysis of the stratified composition of the soil.

Daniel Vodă said that the affected farmers, both individuals and legal entities, will benefit from compensation set according to the market price, age, weight and energy value of the animal, only if the pigs were included in state registers. "The amount of compensation will be decided depending on the conclusions of the experts involved in the investigation. In the eradication process, the losses suffered by the respective economic agents are determined," explained Daniel Vodă.

Referring to concerns about meat stocks, the official said that, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Moldova has about 350,000 pigs in authorized farms. The two affected farms had about 110,000 swine, which represents 20-25%. "The estimated impact on total production is about 20%, but there is no risk of a food crisis. The sector's capacity to supply fresh, chilled meat remains intact," said Daniel Vodă.

An outbreak of African swine fever was reported at a commercial pig farm located on the outskirts of Roscani village in Anenii Noi district. According to the farm’s administration, the estimated losses amount to almost 440 million lei, with about 65,0000 pigs being affected. A few days later, another outbreak was confirmed at a commercial farm in Cimiseni, Criuleni district. In this case, it approximately 45,000 pigs were affected.

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