The Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova” will hold a contest to elect the director of the public television channel Moldova 1 today, May 8. Twelve persons are competing for this post, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The Board’s chairman Eugeniu Rybka said that none of the 12 candidates withdrew from the race and the contest will take place as planned. Among the candidates is Aurelia Peru-Balan, who is a member of the Supervisory Board. She will not participate in the voting until there is a conflict of interests.
The other candidates are: Alexandru Grosu, Ghenadie Vasilache, Vitalie Cojocari, Nicu Scorpan, Dumitru Mamaliga, Efim Josanu, Vasile Grozavu, Angela Arama, Ghenadie Brega, Violeta Epureanu, and Ana Bradu.
The post of director of the public TV channel Moldova 1 became vacant after Angela Sarbu left it in March. Angela Sarbu was elected to this post in February 2010 by the votes of six members of the Board, out of 12 candidates.