Students and graduates can apply for paid internships in public service

Students and new graduates of educational institutions of Moldova can apply to take part in the program of paid internships in the public service through the portal The process of recruiting interns started at the Moldova State University and the Academy of Economic Studies, IPN reports, quoting a press release.

The state will pay a monthly scholarship of 3,000 lei for a 160-hour internship to interns. The young people will be able to work at the Parliament’s Secretariat, the President’s Office, the State Chancellery, ministries and other central administrative authorities.

“We will help you to familiarize yourself with the particularities of work in public service and to gain the experience needed to easier find a job. We also want to create a community of interns from different classes, with potential of innovative ideas. Our country needs young people who would remain in the Republic of Moldova to build Europe at home,” said secretary of state of the State Chancellery Ana Calinici.

To take part in the program, the young people will fill out a form and will be invited to an interview after the files are assessed. The winners will sign an internship contract with the host institution and will be remunerated proportionally to the worked hours.

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