Strengthening of relations between Moldova and Nepal discussed by foreign ministers

The Republic of Moldova wants to strengthen relations with Nepal through cooperation based on mutual benefits, Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popșoi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated at a meeting with Nepalese Foreign Minister Arzu Rana Deuba, IPN reports.

The discussions of the two officials were aimed at strengthening bilateral relations, especially in the fields of trade, education, agriculture and tourism. The interlocutors also stressed the need to conclude cooperation agreements and expand economic and sectoral ties, both at institutional level and within the business community.

"Nepal is open to exploring opportunities for cooperation with Moldova, which will strengthen the ties between our countries," said Arzu Rana Deuba, quoted in a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

Minister Mihai Popșoi invited Nepalese businesspeople to discover investment opportunities in the Republic of Moldova. "We want Nepalese investors to come to our country, invest and benefit from the advantages offered by industrial parks and free economic zones," said the official. Mihai Popșoi noted that, in the near future, the MFA will accredit an ambassador to Kathmandu in order to strengthen diplomatic relations and open up new opportunities for cooperation.

Also, Deputy Prime Minister Popșoi had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Nepal K.P. Sharma Oli. The talks focused on the strengthening of the Moldovan-Nepalese relations, and the minister said that the Republic of Moldova is willing to attract Nepalese investments and intensify trade.

The officials also considered ways of cooperation in areas of common interest, such as agriculture and the food industry. Also, Mihai Popșoi and K.P. Sharma Oli analyzed possibilities for cooperation in the field of education, including academic partnerships and exchange programs for students. The foreign minister said that the university diplomas obtained in Moldova benefit from international recognition, including in the European Union.

On July 20, 2025, it will be 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Moldova and Nepal.

Before traveling to Nepal, the Deputy Prime Minister paid a working visit to India. In New Delhi, Mihai Popșoi had a meeting with the Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. The officials signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of agriculture, which will allow to exchange experience, technologies and good practices between Moldova and India. Also, modern solutions will be implemented to increase agricultural production, and the access of Moldovan products to new markets will be facilitated.

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