Ștefan Gațcan betrayed his honor and dignity, PSRM

The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) expresses its indignation at the actions of the former Socialist MP Ștefan Gațcan. “His defection from the parliamentary group of the Party of Socialists, with whose assistance he won the elections, is a base and immoral act,” the PSRM says in a press release that is quoted by IPN.

According to the press release, Ștefan Gațcan betrayed not only his own voters who put their trust in him and not only the Party of Socialists, which day and night worked for his victory in elections, but also his own values and showed complete lack of human dignity.

The Party of Socialists looks at Ștefan Gațcan’s defection as at a cleanup inside the PSRM. “We trust each MP and municipal councilor of the PSRM, who are faithful to the party, voters and activists and who follow the values and respect the political program of the PSRM,” runs the press release.

The Party of Socialists said the current political crisis can be overcome only by snap parliamentary elections held according to the proportional representation system.

In the morning of June 30, Ştefan Gaţcan announced that he left the parliamentary group of the Party of Socialists to join the parliamentary group Pro Moldova. He said he fully subscribes to the latest actions and initiatives of Pro Moldova, in particular in the social sphere. The Socialist parliamentary group remained with 36 members.

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